Alcohol-Based Mouthwash and Your Teeth

Mouthwash is important in maintaining good oral hygiene, as it helps kill bacteria and remove plaque from hard-to-reach places. But should you be using a mouthwash that contains alcohol, or go for one without alcohol? When you use an alcohol-based mouthwash, you may feel it is an effective way to “kill the germs that cause […]

Do You Need a Gum Graft Surgery?

Do You Need Gum Graft Surgery? Gum grafting is a surgical procedure that treats thinning gums or gum recession. This is when your gum tissue recedes away from your teeth, exposing their roots and causing sensitivity and bone loss, as well as increasing your risk of tooth decay. It also severely affects your appearance. If […]

Why Are My Teeth So Sensitive? The Root Causes Of Sensitive Teeth

The Truth About Tooth Sensitivity Many people experience tooth sensitivity, which is a condition that results in pain when teeth are exposed to stimuli, such as hot or cold food or drink, sweet foods, or acidic foods. This makes it difficult to enjoy certain favourite drinks and meals. The pain is usually sharp and temporary, […]

How Often Should I Replace My Toothbrush?

It May Be Time to Change Your Toothbrush Proper Oral Care Many people don’t consider the connection between proper oral health and overall health. The condition of your mouth can affect the rest of your body. Most bacteria in your mouth are harmless, but some can be quite harmful, causing disease. Normally your natural defences […]

Why Is It Important to Visit the Dentist Regularly?

Out of all the appointments you make, perhaps the most important one to keep is with your dentist. All of us tend to put things off until they become a problem; but with regular visits, oral health problems can be easily avoided. When it comes to the cost of having good dental health, there is […]

The Truth About Root Canals

A root canal is often talked about as a feared dental procedure. It is actually the common term for endodontic therapy. The aim of the procedure is to save an infected or decayed tooth. The root canal system refers to the natural cavity within each tooth. Soft pulp fills this system and consists of nerves […]

10 Tips To Prevent Cavities!

Cavities are an important oral health issue for children, teens, and adults. Cavity creation is a risk when the sticky bacterium substance called “plaque”, steadily forms on teeth and gums. When foods containing sugar are consumed, plaque feeds on the sugars and produces acids. These acids attack tooth enamel (the tooth’s hard surface layer) causing […]

How to Help Prevent Your Child from Developing Dental Anxiety

Visiting the dentist is an important part of maintaining good oral health at any age. It is therefore vital that children create a positive connection with going to the dentist, so they continue to visit throughout their lifetime. Check-ups, however, can be scary for children – lying in a chair in an unfamiliar place with […]